
    Regarding the new owners, the phrase caveat emptor comes to mind.  If they bought without knowing there was a dispute going on that could cost them money, then that’s the price they pay for not doing a propoer strata search.

    Regarding the post-meeting decision, I have frequently seen meetings where the loudest voices on the EC have prevailed and insisted things be done their way, only for sharper and calmer minds to tell them that the decision they pushed through was illegal or unworkable.

    The last AGM I attended in my building passed a raft of by-laws that I treid to tell them were invalid but I was steamrolled.  Lo and behold, the by-laws remain unchanged.

    So yes, take the money and run provided it comes with written assurances that you will not have to pay now or in the future.  The law says that they have to raise a special levy that excludes you to pay legal costs in a case they lost. maybe someone has finally read the law … or this website! 

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.