› Flat Chat Strata Forum › Pets: Furry friends … or fiends? › Dogs and toileting › Current Page
Well said Pamela. The strata/community manager (assuming you live in a strata scheme within a community association) doesn’t make up rules as he/she goes along. They do however enforce the by-laws of the scheme/association. You need to make yourself very familiar with the wording of your by-laws. If your dog urinates on common property gardens, and the urine damages the plants, that certainly may be a breach of a very common by-law called ‘Damage to common property’.
By letting your dog off a leash near garden beds and plants you are taking a risk of being in breach of the above mentioned by-law. I understand this was not raised when you requested permission to keep an animal, however it is common sense that an owner should not allow their animal to damage the common property. You are responsible for your dogs actions, especially while the dog is not on a leash.