
    Couple of points – ‘ensure your animal is under control’ – implies that your dog is not on a leash? As far as I understand the term, any dog not on a leash is viewed as not being under the control of its owner  – so the strata manager may have a point.

    that we must ‘clean up after your animal’  – how about taking a bottle of water with you on your walks and ‘flushing’ the area urinated on? Shouldn’t need a large bottle for a small dog.

    Certainly in our strata, unleashed and unaccompanied animals are at risk of being removed and owners served a breach notice. You don’t say whether you allow your dog to wander on its own.

    By the way, I used to love sitting on the lawns of a local park, resting against a beautiful large tree and reading a book – but the smell of dog urine has driven me away.

    As Secretary of a large strata, I have found that rarely do people complain over absolutely nothing, so you need to find a way to resolve the issues, rather than argue they are not a problem in the first place.

    Good luck.