
Hi Flat Chatter, 

Sydney (NSW) here.

I have a couple living opposite me and they allow their front door to slam violently which unfortunately occurs during the day, into the evening and early mornings (i’m guessing at least one of them works shift work or odd hours). The noise issue is only compounded when they have visitors as they to seem oblivious to the noise created. I’ve had comments from my visitors regarding how loud the door slams, so its not just me.

I have been renting in the building for the past 14 years and have seen many tenants come and go from the unit opposite. I generally approach each new tenant/s and make them aware of the slamming but this generally only stops the slamming for a very short period. With the latest tenants I have bypassed speaking with them directly and contacted the property manager of the real estate through which they rent advising him of the issue hoping that the problem would be resolved once and for all. The property manager did email me back the same day and advised he had spoken to the tenants and they responded to him with ‘they believe the door closer is not working as it should’. I was amazed at their apparent awareness, but still continue to let the door slam closed?! It has been 10 days since I contacted their property manager and the slamming has continued. The property manager also advised that he had emailed Strata regarding the door as his real estate firm cannot touch the door for fire safety reasons. I even approached the leasing agent during the open inspection before the new tenants moved in and he asked me to email him about the slamming door (which I did twice) but nothing happen. I hoped that by doing this the door could be fixed before being leased.

The issue is severely impacting my sleep at night and is just plain disruptive when at home in the evenings and weekends. It is starting to cause a stressful situation and I’d like some advice on the best process to undertake to have the issue resolved. I feel as a renter, I may have limited avenues but I want to be heard so I can have quiet and peaceful enjoyment of my home.
