
Dear Jimmy & Oceanroom,

The OC has no responsibility to install double glazing if the is currently no double glazing.

As per section 62 of the act, the OC needs to maintain common property, being what was there when the building was built.

In comparison the OC can either resolve to add to common property, or permit you to add to common property, for the purpose of improving it, by a special resolution at a general meeting as per section 65A of the act, and may wish to pass a by-law to define who is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of such an installation.

If you are considering getting the OC to install double glazing, consider that the OC would need to be able to offer this to all owners and fund these works for all units (worst case scenario). Keep in mind the impact of this on your levies.

You may want to have a look at a product called Magnetite which I have seen used in several locations as a cost effective solution to double glazing of windows.

Mr S

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