

    Everyone will have a very different opinion on short-term letting and all opinions are worth respect.

    From the experience in our Residential building – an imagine this replicated State-wide if the NSW Government gives this practice the ‘go ahead’ – a group of investor owners used the building’s Caretaker to rent their apartments short-term, from the very beginning.  This is back in the days where the internet was in its infancy and none of us knew anything of Council Planning Regulations.  The number of units grew and grew and because one ‘team’ was doing it, they weren’t in any position to stop anyone else.  We ended up with on or about 65 units that were short-term let (minimum one night) plus there were a couple of operators with adverts which made it impossible to identify the units they had control of.

    Unless someone has lived with this type of activity, I think it is impossible to comprehend what it does to someone’s home life; short, it is destroyed.

    When you have such a big block involved in short-term lets they come in and take over complete control of the Strata.  Resident Owners/Tenants are then regarded as ‘the enemy’ and have no say whatsoever in the day-to-day finances and running of the property.  And some very powerful people can and do start issuing very serious threats when they see their finances potentially compromised.

    Cancer:  are you happy with one cancer cell floating around your body?

    Go figure, and good luck