
    Things have moved on since my last post.I emailed a copy of Simone from TEYS lawyers reply to me stating the EC should issue a Notice to Comply to the Strata manager, he finally convened a meeting of the EC at his office on Tuesday 5th July at 10.00am but advised them they don't have to attend, just drop their vote into his office before Tuesday (he emailed the paperwork last Tueasday to the EC).One of the drummers mothers friends on the EC showed her the contents of the Notice to Comply on the night the paperwork arrived(I had to supply the information to complete the Notice to Comply)The mother immediately sent emails to the Strata Manager complaining I was telling lies & being spiteful to her son by trying to shut him down permanently.I was stopping a traditional past-time of a growing adolescent, & it was a serious matter that I was trying to stop him playing his musical instrument.The Strata manager sent a copy of her emails to the EC (I know this because my husband is a member) & I requested a right of reply which the Strata manager also fowarded to the EC.I examined all the paper work that he sent to the EC in the Notice to Comply& noticed some documents were missing, I emailed them to the Strata manager & asked him to include them but he told me the drummers mother does not have the luxury that I do to see the all the paperwork (what a joke when her friends were showing her).He said the EC had enough information now & I was to leave them to make their decision tomorrow.I couldn't ask for a site visit at the weekend then but not surprsingly, the drummer & guitars have been quiet since the Notice to Comply paperwork arrived last Tuesday.

    I am not expecting a vote in my favour tomorrow except for my husband so am I allowed to ask the EC to explain why they don't think the Noise By-Law is being breached when drumming & guitar practice takes place on a regular basis in the garge of my neighbours townhouse.Is my next step CTTT or Fair Trading?My local council sent her a letter after I contacted them requesting her to take appropriate action to reduce the noise but I don't know exactly what they said to her.

    I will also film & record the practice when it starts up again so I have sound to back up my complaint.I have started my log on practice times.

    Anthing else I should be doing before the next step ?