
    The only problem is if you’re happy to go down that path, are you willing to put your money up?

    It sure looks to me by what you’ve said that you’ve been done.

    I’ve always been under the opinion that the payment of accounts has to be put on the Agenda and approved by the E/C at a meeting unless it’s a simple repair as every day maintenance.

    However, I may be wrong.

    Would await further advice from someone with more knowledge.

    Have gone through similar experiences with a larger complex and unfortunately decisions made by one or two E/C members who don’t know what they’re doing are followed by other E/C members who know less and follow like lambs unfortunately.  Probably because of a stacked deck.

    With only 4 units, this may not be your problem

    I would have refused to pay that account until discussed by the E/C and your strata manager but unfortunately it’s already been paid!