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Thanks Jimmy for your quick response.
I am expecting the SM to put the issue of a new SM agreement on the Agenda at the next GM. The current arrangement is 10 Yrs old, and has been on a 30 day notice for a couple of years now. (I have a copy).
Re: Agenda Item: I am aware of being able to put matters on the agenda but know if done with only about 8 who attend (past records) with most in the camp of the EC I assess they will not pass if I / we put them up.
Re: Replacement doors – re-reading what I wrote- I have conveyed the situation incorrectly – my apology. Apparently “Replacement doors” will be part of a package of measures recommended by a company who assessed the Fire Safety requirements for our buildings. The OC will install them. However the EC wants to make any damage to them for the account of the owner (regardless if owner or tenant caused it). Not sure if they have sought advice on whether this is able to be done – but that was the intention at the last AGM:
I have just received this E-mail response from one Strata Manager I approached to be involved with an application for Administrator appointment:
For the NCAT to award a compulsory appointment it is generally as a last resort & the Owners Corp requesting this would need to prove that the Executive Committee & or the Owners themselves are in a dysfunctional position.
I would suggest that 1 of the steps the owners would need to undertake as a minimum would be to hold a EGM or if your AGM is upcoming to put a motion forward to terminate the current Strata Mgmt & to appoint another. If this is defeated you would have at least shown to the Tribunal member that you have tried to terminate the Strata Mgmt & this was not successful. The key to having a compulsory appointment would be to prove that your situation is unworkable.
To call an EGM you need 25% of financial owners (8 for your strata) to sign a document to call the EGM. You can serve that on your Strata Mgr & he has to call a meeting within 28 days. You can also have a motion to dismiss the current Executive Committee & have a re election.
We do not generally chase Compulsory appointments & before accepting we would want to see the financial history of the Strata Plan. We would also charge a premium on our Mgmt Fee as the compulsory agent is usually terminated as soon as the period expires.” Unquote
I have contacted more SM’s & await their response, but consider their response may be similar.
I am not sure how other owners would feel when it comes to extra cost & disruption, Vs doing things correctly. There is also the practical ability to get 8 lot owners to agree to call an EGM in our own right. It seems you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.