
    Hi Kiwi and Whale.

    Thanks for your guidance.

    Kiwi, I will have to do some research about who is to be found at either the GM or EC meeting as I am lead to believe that the perpetrators are the representatives at either a GM or EC meeting and could make up the majority.

    Whale, It will be interesting to see what the council may state re any compliance, especially re manoeuvring. I have not formally advised the council, just been sounding out the Town Planning staff and speaking to a councillors office. Just hopeful this option may prove speedier and more productive than going to mediation then adjudication. Only really considered the council intervention, given the previous mention of it in posts. This may be a very good test case.

    Unfortunately the by-laws do not make the distinction of consent relating to “a specific instance such as loading / unloading a vehicle and not a regular occurrence” Willy nilly prevails for anyone to just choose a common property spot they desire and no action to be taken.

    I am also favouring Jimmy’s suggestion re seeking payment as I mentioned above.

    Still exploring options, will come back to update once I decide which action to pursue.

    Thanks and Regards,
