
    Thanks for the response Whale, much appreciated.

    We do have our AGM coming up (apparently) sometime in the next few weeks. The EC have said they wish to table the ceiling issue for the AGM. I am baffled as to why they want this to be decided by the entire OC when the EC has made more expensive decisions on their own, but there you have it. The EC have refused to respond to my repeated requests for an explanation as to why they don’t want to seek quotes to take to the AGM. The quotes I obtained myself are now over two years old. 

    Having said all that, given that the AGM will be in a few weeks I’m inclined to think that there’s not much to be gained at this point from applying for orders, but rather wait for the outcome of the AGM. In the absence of a response from the EC on the letter box issue I may as well ask for that to be put on the AGM agenda as well.

    More broadly, and if these issues aren’t settled satisfactorily at the AGM, would I be required to go to mediation or apply for orders?