Lady Penelope

    Bonnie, there is no legislation preventing committee members from discussing quotes with other Lot owners.

    The Strata Scheme Management Act (2015) has no code of conduct provision for strata committee members but does include a care and diligence clause.

    Section 37: Duty of members of strata committee states:

    It is the duty of each member of a strata committee of an owners corporation to carry out his or her functions for the benefit, so far as practicable, of the owners corporation and with due care and diligence.

    Note : Section 260 provides protection from personal liability for members of strata committees who act in good faith.

    Ethical behaviour is something that should be encouraged in our dealings with others. Unfortunately not everyone has the same ethical standards. It is ethical for the committee to treat suppliers like they would expect to be treated themselves. Respect their work and efforts and their need to make some profit. Of course, the committee need to get the best prices and service for the owners corporation they represent, but they should not do this in an underhand way, or harm someone’s business unnecessarily.

    If you believe that a committee member is not acting ethically then you have an option to vote them out of office at the next general meeting.

    If you yourself are a committee member then a quiet word with the other member may be appropriate.