
We have also had problems with noisy neighbours.  We had 3 girls move in to our unit block and they bought their 3 boyfriends with them.  What we have found over the years is that it is the ones that are not supposed to be living in the units that make the most noise. 

The first thing I would say is make sure that the by-laws are created via the strata management.  In some cases if the by-laws are not chosen a default one will be selected, particulary when it comes to pets…

Get to know any other owners that live in the block. If you have a complaint to make to your strata management company make sure you e-mail rather than just call, and add the other owners in so they also have a copy.  By e-mailing you are keeping a paper trail and can prove that the strata management were aware of the problem.  Next I would go to Fair Trading. 

If you are really not happy look into swapping your managing agent.  This is something we done and have never looked back.

A problem that we have also faced is that the owners who rent their units out never bother to show up to meetings and really don't seem to care what happens so long as they get their rent.

If possible find out what real estate the units are rented through and when there is a problem phone/e-mail them to make them aware of what is happening.  The girls we were having problems with left our block after their lease was not renewed. 

I would definitely call the police if things are out of hand in regards to noise.  They will issue a noise abatement order and if  they refuse to quieten down the fines are huge.