
    I had a similar problem and I complained to everyone: the EC (useless), the strata manager (completely useless), the police, (they only showed up once despite complaining about 5 times) the local council (they wrote a few letters to the tenants but didn't follow up) and eventually the landlord's managing agent (most effective). I told the landlord's managing agent that they had to take steps to stop their rowdy tenants, otherwise I would hold the landlord responsible. I quoted legislation and cases to the landlord's agent. I collected evidence on the noisy tenants (eg photos of them leaving rubbish on the common property and their pet cat which they were not allowed to have, conducting business from residential premises) and presented it to the landlord's agent. 3 months later, the tenants moved out.


    You have to attack the problem from every angle possible and collect evidence. Eventually, someone will take action against the tenants.