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In the circumstances you describe it is permissible for the persons personally present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting to, in the absence of the Chairman and Secretary, elect one of their number to act in those roles.
Here’s your reference in the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act (1996):
Sch2, Cl:15 (2) In the chairperson’s absence from any such meeting, the persons present at that meeting and entitled to vote on motions submitted at that meeting may elect one of their number to preside at that meeting and the person so elected is, while so presiding, taken to be the chairperson of the owners corporation.
Once elected the A/Chairman should ask for all proxies to be received, and then announce the names of all persons who are entitled to vote, and only then call the General Meeting to order, and bring the Motion to elect the Executive Committee (E/C) forward so that it’s resolved first.
Once that Motion is resolved, with the A/Chairman abstaining, the then elected Members of the E/C should assume their respective roles, including those of Chairman (who may be the same person earlier placed in the acting role) and Secretary.
Then the Motion to confirm the Minutes of the previous General Meeting should be considered (again out of Agenda order if necessary), and if it’s resolved that an item has been incorrectly recorded then the amended wording should be recorded in the Minutes of the current General Meeting, together with a statement that the remainder of the previous Meeting Minutes were confirmed (as accurate).