
    chak – obviously we don’t know the details, but the fact that your Executive Committee (E/C) was as you’ve stated “self elected” probably means that from a legal perspective you really don’t have one, but as they’ve been performing the role to some extent, probably want to continue, and may attend the EGM, that changes matters somewhat in my opinion.

    I mean, it’s your Plan so you know the personalities, but if you have the numbers to appoint an A/Chairman in the manner that I outlined earlier, and in circumstances where the self-elected Chairman and other E/C Members are in attendance, then fine – put the Strata Manager’s suggested Motion on the Agenda before the one to then elect a new E/C.  

    Again, it’s all about the numbers, because as Jimmy T advised (post 15) you need ≥75% of all those in attendance and entitled to vote, both personally and by proxy, to be in favour in order for that “removal” Motion to pass. 

    (I’ll have to learn how to type faster, as kiwipaul’s post just came up ahead of mine; complementary though.)