
    When I said you can’t just plug into an ordinary socket I was thinking about the cars I see “stealing” electricity from the common property sockets in our car park. Admittedly, they are just boosting their regular batteries but those sockets are really there for the building’s cleaners etc.

    However, point taken.  But as someone who drives my car into the petrol station as the last cough of fuel runs out, and lives in a building with two floors of parking, the friendly neighbour scenario isn’t going to work for me or others like me.

    Even if you go down the trickle charge route, as PeterC recommends,  in a large apartment building you are still going to have to install a dedicated power supply on your own meter. I wonder how much more expensive it would then be to install a fast charging unit on three-phase power.

    By the way, apparently some councils in Queensland are insisting new apartment blocks and townhouse developments install electric scooter charging stations. It can only be a matter of time before car charging spots are mandatory too.

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