
    I hold an electrical contractors licence and have experience in building electics.

    Firstly, the wring rules change every few years. However there is no requirement to upgrade a building to any newer rules than when the building was  built. The only exception that I know of is the installtion of smoke alarms.

    You mention an upgrade. The starta laws require the OC to maintain the building (and its fittings) in good order, but do not require the OC to do upgrades, unless regulated by some law. In this case that is not the case.

    What has prompted this need then?

    The next question is why have some lots had upgraded wiring? If the owner chose  to upgrade the lot owners wirring, then it was always a lot owners cost. If the lot owner also upgraded the common property wiring , then they have broken the bylaw about damaging common property, unless they had a by law (I suspect not).

    In the proposed upgrade, then the OC will pay only for the common property wiring. The lot owner wiring part has to be paid by the lot owner. I do not think there is any way to force an unwilling lot owner to do any upgrade (see my first paragraph).
