
    @JimmyT said:
    I’d lay a pound to a penny that this is just a flat battery.  Most locksmiths or key cutters will do this for you … and it’s not a legal issue or an owners corp issue either.

    By the way, congrats to “community resident” for using “the strata” within hours of my having written about how much it annoys me.  

    Unfortunately I had not had the chance to read all of your posts Jimmy to know what peeves you on using a particular word.  I will know never to use that word again.

    However I’m oblivious and perhaps a little (or a lot) stupid about what is the issue with the word Strata as it refers to the management of the building.  Do you have an issue with anyone using the word Real Estate Agent, or perhaps Landlord.

    Did you have a bad day when you wrote the post about my comment on using “The Strata”?!

    I hope your day has got better since then.  
