Sir Humphrey

    Has notice of the meeting already been distributed, with an agenda? If these are new motions and there would be insufficient time to issue a new notice with revised agenda and proxy/absentee voting form, then they can all be bumped off. 

    If the person complains, tell them that they should have known that this year’s AGM would be held approximately a year after the last one and they could have submitted their proposed motions at any time without waiting till the meeting notice and agenda had already be distributed. 

    The agenda might include a final “Discussion of any other matters”. It should not include an open ended “Any other business” which might suggest that anyone could put a motion without notice. That would be improper and the chair should not allow it. The point of a meeting notice with an agenda is that people should be able to see whether there are motions for resolutions on matters they care about and would wish to vote on. Allowing matters to be decided without notice or shorter notice than the Act requires is improper (The exception is procedural motions such as to wrap up a long-winded debate and have a motion put.).

    The chair might decide, if time permits, to allow discussion of the matters this owner wants to raise but no resolutions.  Then, the incoming committee, which will have just been elected, will be able to take note of the mood of the meeting on the various matters and that might influence their decisions through the coming year.