Lady Penelope

    SH – There is no requirement for a seconder when submitting Motions to a General Meeting in NSW. This possibly explains why some of them are so poorly written etc.

    The following extract is from the https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/biz_res/ftweb/pdfs/About_us/Publications/ft045.pdf

    “Anyone who is entitled to vote at a general
    meeting can ask for a motion to be put to a
    general meeting. Written notice must be given
    to the secretary who must put the motion on the
    agenda for the next general meeting. The written
    notice must:
    • set out the motion
    • name the owner who made it
    • have an explanatory note of up to 300 words.”

    Without infringing on the owners right to submit a Motion, perhaps the committee could organise to have an informal chat to the submitter of the numerous Motions. The submitter obviously is unhappy and ‘fired up’  about certain things and many of these Motions may be able to be sorted out in another way.