
    It seems you've done all of the right things

    You need to keep trying

    The obvious answer is that the Owners Corporation is responsible for correcting the noise & both your owner( and by extension your real estate agent) & the owners corporation are required to give you peaceful enjoyment.

    Write a letter or email to your agent citing this issue & ask them to confirm that they have contacted the Exec Comm or their strata manager.

    If a garage door is making this sort of noise it can't be good for the door either & the owners corporation must maintain common property

    If you get nowhere check the building notice board to find out who committee members are & try to find a sympathetic one to come to listen & broach the matter with the Exec Comm


    If you still get nowhere lodge a claim at CTTT against your landlord for financial compensation for not providing peaceful enjoyment & I know from experience that your landlord will get on to the Exec Comm & badger them until they solve the problem

    Good Luck

    It's sad that it has to come to this to get an issue solved


    Sharyn Machin
