
On the one hand, the NSW Fair Trading’s booklet says that an owner can send a written request to the EC or Strata Manager requesting permission to park on a section of the driveway, and that permission should then be voted on at a general or EC meeting.

However, I’ve been told that a Special Resolution would be required when it is proposed to “alter or add to common property”.  Is granting an owner exclusive right to park on common property “alter” common property, or does “alter” mean some structural alteration?

There seems to be some conflict there, so which is correct? 

My problem is that we have an EC of 7 people, 3 of whom are the owners who are looking to get permission to permanently park on common property and 1 who will vote with those 3.  That means at EC level the remaining 3 (which includes myself) who are against the proposal would be outvoted.  If the matter had to go to a GM or AGM as a special resolution, I know there are enough owners who would vote against the proposal and it would be lost.