
    Just to back up Mr Strata's remarks, there are several avenues you can take personally (and this is probably what the Fair Trading person was hinting at).

    You can go to Fair Trading for a binding and enforceable mediation.

    If (when) that fails you can ask the CTTT for an adjudication.

    Or, entirely separately,  you can go to your District Court to ask for a noise abatement order.

    You can even go to the Supreme Court (if you can afford it) if you want damages (the Supreme Court will only hear strata cases before they have gone to the CTTT if damages are claimed, because the CTTT can't award damages or costs).

    And you may even have grounds to sue for defamation if the vilification you spoke about can be proved and can be shown to be malicious.

    If things don't improve, it may be time to talk to an experienced strata lawyer.

    Finally, do everything you can at the next AGM to get this person voted off the EC.  It sounds like you won't be the first person to have crossed swords with this obnoxious individual.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.