
    If it was just a case of the donor parking the new furniture in the foyer, it would be just a paper vote. because it’s fundamentally a request to leave furniture on common property.

    However, attached to that is a demand that the owners corp takes ownership of the furniture, insures it and promises not to remove it.  That is where the procedural issue lies and the donor has to either remove the caveats from the gift or allow the owners corp to do this properly so that the majority of owners agree to the “contract”.

    With your AGM just a few weeks away, leave it till then and save yourselves the cost of another general meeting. It will be a hard task, convincing someone who doesn’t “get” strata law but it will be worth it.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.