Billen Ben

    Mr Strata said:

    Dear all,


    An EC must formalise any decisions they want to make via a committee meeting, giving 72 hours notice, either by placing notice on the notice board (if the by-laws for the scheme require the scheme to have a notice board and the scheme has a notice board), or sending notice to all owners. This is to allow owners (1/3) the opportunity to object to a decision the EC are seeking to make.


    If the EC enact a decision without proper process any individual owner could object to this, taking the matter to the CTTT and have the decision and action overturned, which could prove costly to the OC.

    Mr S

    I see Mr. Strata as an excellent guide to have when traveling through the strata maze. A top poster whose comments i find accurate and informative.
    Without trying to diss what Mr. Strata says I can say I have been to CTTT over failures to follow the processes above. I sent minutes from over a years worth of meetings.
    No quorum, no proper notice, no detailed agenda, introduced matters, a non owner/visitor made Chair, repeated failures to record some received and sent correspondence, the power of veto is useless as owners have little idea what business the EC will deal with.

    Every EC meeting requirement in the Act my EC has broken, and generally the non compliance is repeated or ongoing and the real tragedy is that CTTT did nothing so it all still goes on.

    Perhaps i asked for the wrong orders, perhaps these breaches do not constitute dysfunctional management, perhaps they are not absolute duties of the OC.

    It is regrettably wishful thinking that the Act means what it says given the results i get from CTTT — but CTTT is notoriously inconsistent so what they ignore here they may well enforce elsewhere.

    As usual Mr. Strata is right on the money as to what should be going on.