Billen Ben

    struggler said:

    In our complex, we have never had official positions.  Our SM told us this was OK that we didn't need to have someone to be the secretary, the treasurer etc.  We all shared these responsibilities.

    This worked as we all have jobs, families and other committments.  I believe this shared responsibility kept everyone on the committee.  When someone got snowed under with their own personal life, the others would keep all running, as we were all in the loop.  This allowed us to go on long holidays, or even just take a month off from the running of the place.

    The Act actually requires the Executive Committee at its first meeting to appoint a Secretary, Treasurer and Chair; section 18.

    18   Executive committee to appoint chairperson, secretary and treasurer

    (1)  The members of an executive committee must, at the first meeting of the executive committee after they assume office as members, appoint a chairperson, secretary and treasurer of the executive committee.

    I'd keep an eye on what your SM tells you.
    By failing to meet the requirement of s18 the EC leaves itself open to somebody commencing an application but if everybody is happy to breach the Act then who are outsiders to comment. If you have a more functional SP by being informal then well done.