Lady Penelope

    The Office of Fair Trading Common Property Memorandum states at 3(h) that ‘smoke detectors whether connected to the fire board in the building or not (and other fire safety equipment subject to the regulations made under Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979)’

    The Office of Fair Trading Common Property Memorandum link is here –


    If your scheme has not adopted the OFT Property Memorandum then you could submit a Motion to be voted on by the OC at the next General Meeting stating:

    That, in order to clarify the responsibilities for repairs, that the Owners Corporation adopts the Office of Fair Trading Property Memorandum. 

    (NB: You would need to include a copy of the Memorandum in your Explanatory Material.)

    Incidentally, even if there is no CPM at your scheme the Owners corporation must repair anything in the ceiling.

    I would assume that the hard wired smoke detectors that were installed in 2005 (at the time that the building was built) are located in the ceiling. This adds more weight to your argument that the OC should be responsible for the smoke detectors. 
