Not An Apartment

    Well, things have moved apace and, as predicted, have escalated:

    Despite repeated requests, the bins are still under the clothes-lines and don’t get emptied until full or overflowing; the bicycle is permanently (except when someone’s is using it – which isn’t often enough) left behind the front door in stairwell;  cigarette butts still being thrown off balcony onto driveway; a resident observed climbing up onto the balcony for entry to the unit (apparently this person isn’t trusted with a key, which explains why the building’s door is frequently left open). 

    There have bin some minor harassments also: my laundry basket lobbed over the side fence, the  mat outside my front door removed and hidden under door mat just inside the building’s front door.

    Oh, and did I mention that someone (the really objectionable one), is living in the garage?  Yup, made-up bed with  electrical cord running from power point to the bed, table and chairs set up………..

    That would explain why they won’t keep the bins in there.

    Plus, it’s heading toward getting physical – a week or so ago, I was walking down the driveway and saw ‘the objectionable one’ going in the front door, followed by another person, closing the door behind them.  I got to the front door, put my key in the lock but the door wouldn’t open, so I tried again but door still wouldn’t open.  I thought I could see, through the glass panels, a tall figure standing close to inside of door, so pushed harder, forcing the door open where I could see said resident leaning against the door, denying me access.


    After consultation with the only other owner/resident and the strata management company, a few days later I went to the Police Station and asked them if they could get someone to drop round and ‘have a word’, which they did later that afternoon.  The attending officers spoke to me first and were reluctant to get involved without evidence of harassment, but, perhaps after I pointed out that the bloke in question is at least 10″ taller than me and probably 40yrs younger, they agreed to talk to him, warning him to discontinue whatever he’s been doing and to ignore me when our paths crossed, and advising me to do the same.

    On the upside, the strata mng co. now has name/address for presumably one of the grandkids.  It’s not clear whether details were updated deliberately by the owner/grandkids, or inadvertently when paying the latest strata levies. My money’s on the latter, given they’ve ignored all other contacts. But the SMC sent the NTC to both the owner (at this address) and to the new adddress.

    I’ve also spoken to the Council re their ‘living arrangements’ and they advise that if the DA for the building is for the structures on ground floor to be garages, then they need consent to vary purpose, from the Body Corp and in the event of such consent being given,  must also meet the Building Code of Australia, which the Council advised includes things like food prep facilities (sink, bench) and personal hygiene (toilet, sink) as minimum.  Any changes would also need to meet fire safety regs (insulation etc) and similarly,  electrical and plumbing works.

    Needless to say, such consent has not been sought or given. 

    I’m not sure how much more the grandkids need to stimulate them into action, but we’ll see how things go from here.

    Any further advice or comment will be much appreciated.

    Cheers  – NOA