
    Blueman – it would have saved me some time if I had read your initial post more closely, and noted that a majority of E/C Members have approved payment of the fencer’s invoice.

    Probably like you, they’re happy for the Sinking Fund to be used to pay for the costs of their fences, and that’s all well and good until such time as one of their fences is damaged and your O/C is expected to also pay for that, or worse still when a legitimate expense occurs and there’s insufficient money in the Sinking Fund to pay for it!

    Exercises of expedience such as this really annoy me, as the costs of preparing a proper scope-of-work, a more detailed quotation for each Lot, and properly convening an E/C Meeting to consider those (including providing a written Agenda to each Owner 72 hours in advance) would add about 5% to the total cost of the whole exercise.

    Anyway I’ve read your last post more closely this time, and as the issue is “more or less resolved”, I guess this puts and end to it!