
    Hi Whale,

    Thank you for your response, it is appreciated.

    No one, strata manager included, at the AGM raised the use of common funds to be an inappropriate source of funds for the work. The only query from one owner was, would it require a special level. I took that query in the context of having sufficient funds, rather than it being an inappropriate source. Until you had mentioned it, I’d considered the fence around each lot to be common property, just like the common dividing wall between lots.

    The calculations to determine individual contributions would be rather time consuming, there would have been over 100 individual items to be calculated, basically the cost for 1 run per meter at full height, cost of 1 run per meter at half height all with varying lengths, add in a gate, then calculation the per lot contributions, and common fund portion. Then chasing people for the funds, explain why the fence is not common property, etc.

    I guess a better strata manager would help.

    My “more or less resolved” comment actually relates only to the gate opening direction issue, the other 4 issues initially mentioned, as far as I’m concerned are unresolved, so any advice on that is appreciated.