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Good point KWP – it’s one you often make as a good fall-back position in some situations!
bluehouse – I don’t envy you, but perhaps be comforted by the fact you’re not on your own with this problem or more generally with trying to extract a decision from an Executive Committee (E/C).
Mini may yet find some relevant legal precedents, and I agree that those may motivate your E/C, as may the fact that once advised of a problem such as this each may be held personally liable for any adverse repercussions to the O/C and/or the new Owner arising from their inaction, the O/C’s Insurance coverage for “office bearers legal liability” won’t protect them, and furthermore they can’t use the Strata Manager’s (SM) lack of advice or cautious approach as a defense, because the SM works for and takes instruction from them as the O/C’s representatives.
That’s it from me on this one; good luck!