
    Hmmm.. I received some paperwork from the CTTT today indicating that the applicant in the appeal had submitted some correspondence. Essentially he was saying that we had reached an agreement and that I wanted to have the tribunal issue them as orders. He is partially correct here. There was also a lot of calling the team members “honorable person” and saying how generous he is and how hard done by he is in agreeing to fix his floor. What  I have suggested that we agree on some orders to be issued by the tribunal. In short I have asked for the “removal of all the floorboards and the wall to wall laying of quality carpet and underlay, which is to be agreed to by both parties, so as to prevent the transmission of noise from the floor space likely to disturb the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot in the strata scheme”. I have also asked that the work is completed within 42 days, to the satisfaction of myself and other lot occupants within 42 days of these orders coming into effect. On further rereading of the letter from the CTTT I noticed that he had had his appeal fees waived and they referred to a letter posted to him. When I rang the CTTT asking why he didn’t have to pay fees and why I didn’t get a copy of the correspondence to him I was told that essentially the communication didn’t affect any decisions and I was not privy to the letters or reasons for the fee waiver. Is this normal as he has been copied in on all correspondence between myself and the tribunal including what I have had for breakfast. I get the awful feeling of bias here…


    Thoughts anyone