
    I feel very sorry for you.

    First and foremost, take some good quality photos of the “laundry nook”, the pipes under the basin, and the floor drain.

    How old is your unit?

    Your description sounds like a clear case of amateur renovation and sub-standard plumbing.

    Which “Managing Agent” did you phone on the weekend this happened? The Lease Manager (to whom you pay the rent) or the Strata Manager?

    If the Lease Manager, and they refused to help, then you took the correct step (by calling an emergency plumber) to mitigate further damage to the owner’s unit.

    If the Strata Manager, then they were correct in saying it wasn’t their problem (unless the water was leaking into a downstairs unit), but they could easily have given you contact details for one of their preferred pumbers.

    The reason I say not the Strata Manager’s problem is that your description seems to involve only (owner’s) fixtures and fittings damaged by an “overflow” event, not a “burst pipe” event.

    The Strata Manager was also correct in saying this wasn’t a “building defect” unless your unit was brand new.

    A bit strange that the Agent brought the Strata Manager with them when they finally came. Probably the Agent’s attempt to stick the OC with the cost.

    $1000 sounds a bit high to me, but it was an emergency visit. How many plumbers came and how long did it take to suck up all the water?

    Do not arrange or pay for re-carpeting.

    Do not be afraid of the Agent taking you to the Tribunal.

    In fact, I think you have good cause to reverse the situation. You take the owner and Agent to the Tribunal (the Tenancy division, not the Strata division) and ask for a refund of the full $1000. Name both of them in your complaint to give extra incentive for them to settle the dispute.