
    Good evening,

    Our strata is all townhouses in NSW built in 1971 – therefore pre-1974.  All townhouses are two levels (bedrooms and main bathroom on second level) one of our owners is doing up their townhouse and as such as sent an email to the Strata Mgr saying they are wanting to put timber flooring on the bedroom level.  None of the other townhouses have timber or lino or hard flooring on this level.  while some of the townhouses have original timber flooring on the lounge / dining / kitchen level (ground level) and one or two have uncarpeted stairs.  the townhouse in question is offset and not on the same slab. 

    With the new laws that have come in to play in November 2016 Whale’s paragraph above says that the decision to put timber flooring could now not be made by the EC and should go to a General meeting.   Has this law come into play? 

    we are a bit reticent to give the go ahead as to the noise factor. 

    and being pre 1974 the LPI states:-

    • Any floor or wall separating the same parts of a strata lot are not common property the repair and maintenance is the responsibility of the respective lot owner.
    • Any staircase within a lot connecting different levels of the same lot is the responsibility of the respective lot owner.

    this owner had problems with the shower leaking into the second bedroom we believe it was the ‘tray’ in the shower not pipes in the wall… and our strata manager sent someone to fix and the strata paid for repairs to the shower floor, bedroom wall and whatever, the committee members were both away at the time and were not consulted.  we believe that being pre-1974 that rules above from LPI also apply to the floor of the main bathroom – and strata should not have paid for the repairs. 

    we now have had another incident over Christmas of the same problem leaking shower into the second bedroom causing same damage. the owner has paid for the repairs – however, I believe the bills for repairs will be coming to strata to pay.  is this correct? 

    it is our belief that all walls internal to the lot and the second floor including bathroom floors and showers are part of the lot and not strata responsibility.  are we correct?

