
    We should read the article in today's Herald where an OC denied approval to put safety nets on a balcony in a unit where children lived.


    The model by-laws adopted by most strata schemes would allow owners to put such devices up, at their own expense, provided they were competently installed and in keeping with the rest of the building.  Similarly with window locking devices, which could be used to restrict opening of the window.


    The comments on the article submitted on-line are very interesting, ranging from the expected “bad body corporate” to those who think the residents should bear their own responsibility for child safety.  When I consider what is fair and equitable why should those owners without children in their unit have to subsidise installation of devices of those who do?  Should all owners have to pay for devices in all units, when only a minority of units have any use for them?  If these are to be a requirement, why doesn't the developer put them in in the first place?  


    The emergency escape issue is very valid, as fire brigade aerial equipment can reach up to 6 stories from ground.  In many of the three storey blocks around, there is only one stairwell and if that is blocked the only way to get anyone out is via a window or balcony. 

