
    So they have read the note?  Or is it still there?

    If they have read the note and ignored it, the most effective thing I have heard of is to carefully place a house brick on their windshield and let them work out what that means.

    Or you could contact the strata manager, building manager or executive committee and complain – which will take too long –  and use visitor’s parking in the meantime (which is a breach of by-laws).

    Other methods of getting their attention, like letting down tyres, are dangerous and illegal.

    I would go the house brick and a note saying “Don’t park here again. By the way, I have photographed your car rego and sent it to police.  Have a nice day (somewhere else).”

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.