
21 units split between two blocks  – half tenanted and only 5 members on the committee for years, including me – the treasurer.

Permission not given for one dog in the building about 6 years ago but she still has it. One year ago permission given for another dog in the building – same block and permission granted. 

Owner allowed the dog to urinate on the grass outside killing it.

A tenant now wants to permission to have a beagle which will be opposite the unit containing one of the dogs.  They’ll probably bark at each other all day.

Vote an earlier BC meeting was 3 against and 2 for allowing the tenant to have a dog.

Tenant took it to the tribunal and we agreed to disagree so he decided to apply for an adjudication which is pending and should be sometime in December.

Two existing dog loving owners, residents of many years (the one without the dog permission)  have not attended an AGM in years and did not attend the AGM in September but put in proxies and asked to be elected to the committee. 

This was orchestrated by the two existing BC dog loving members.  Branch stacking at its best.  Who says politics is a dirty game.  Try BC’s.

All very confusing for you I know.

Now the tenant has reapplied for permission for a dog even though we are still supposedly to go to adjudication for a final decision in December.  Bearing in mind, I realise he would probably be given permission to have one).  Totally unethical in my book and nothing we can do about it because I phoned the NSW Office of Fair Trading and they say there is nothing in the ACT that prohibits the tenant from reapplying.

Talk about a Strata hater.  If I win Powerball tonight I’ll be out of there like a flash.