
    Thanks for the replies – sorry I wasn’t clear.  The original door does not have an auto motor – the resident wants strata to pay for a new manual door and he’ll add an auto motor.  Others in the strata have paid for both door and auto motor and are aware they are responsible for ongoing maintenance, etc, costs.  Call us cynical, but the actual door is okay – just needs possibly new side rails (slightly rusted).  If this owner is successful (which he will), other owners who only have a manual door are waiting to put in their claims for a new manual door.  When owners have been changing over to auto doors, because of the width of the motor, a new narrower door has to be put on – then a piece of wood to cover from motor area to ground level.  This fellow simply wants strata to pay for new door and he will pay for an auto motor.  He doesn’t want to pay for both.  Fingers crossed that the rest of his EC will stand up to him!