Lady Penelope

    The offensive odour is obviously causing a nuisance. The OC is not permitted to create a nuisance.

    You have a couple of options: (1) write to the OC and demand that they cease this nuisance and if they don’t then see here: https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/ftw/Tenants_and_home_owners/Strata_schemes/Resolving_disputes_in_a_strata_scheme/Strata_and_community_disputes.page

    and/or (2) contact your local council, and/or (3) contact the EPA Environment Line 131 555.

    The Act (Dictionary) defines ‘offensive odour’ as an odour that, due to its strength, nature, duration, character, quality, time of emission or some other circumstance,

    • is harmful or likely to be harmful to a person who is outside the premises from which it is emitted
    • interferes or is likely to interfere unreasonably with the comfort or rest of a person who is outside the premises from which it is emitted, or
    • is prescribed by the regulations.