Lady Penelope

    The bin area in the basement is common property and is the OC ‘s responsibility to maintain.

    A couple of questions: Do you have an onsite Manager? If so, is cleaning the garbage area part of their contractual duties?

    If no on site Manager then does your scheme employ a cleaning company to hose out the bins and the floor of the garbage area? If not then perhaps you should write to the Committee and suggest that the bins and the bin area be cleaned and disinfected and/or hosed out on a weekly or 2 weekly basis. I once owned a Lot in a scheme where a bin cleaning company was employed to clean each and every Lot’s bin once a week – we did not ever have an odour problem.

    Is there a waste management plan for your building? 

    Is any vent from the bin room located close to your Lot?

    Are the bins located in an area that has been designated for bins or have the bins simply been located in an area for convenience?

    Generally, as part of a DA, the bin area should be approved, and storage of waste comes with certain conditions such as:

    (1) The floor being graded and drained to an approved drainage outlet connected to the sewer and having a smooth, even surface, coved at all
    intersections with walls;
    (2) The walls being cement rendered to a smooth, even surface and coved at all intersections;
    (3)  Cold water being provided in the room with the outlet located in a position
    so that it cannot be damaged and a hose fitted with a nozzle being connected to the outlet;
    (4)  The room shall be adequately ventilated (either natural or mechanical) in
    accordance with the Building Code of Australia.