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A quick trawl through my emails for messages I have ignored or forgotten has netted a package called Strata Vote. Is anyone out there using it? And is it working for you?
Have a look through their website and tell me what you think
It pretty much does what it says on the tin – allows people in strata to vote – and here’s what they told me in our earlier communications:
Strata Vote started out as basic software to enable Lot Owners to vote online, quickly and easily, anywhere that there is an internet connection. Due to feedback and consultation with Strata Managers, it has now developed in to full meeting management software.
Just to give you a quick overview, the way it currently works, is that managers upload their building and lot information and set up templates in Strata Vote for their meetings, motions, emails etc and then build their meetings in Strata Vote and distribute out to owners via email. Owners can then click a link in their email, enter in their votes and hit submit which records the votes in Strata Vote.
For those owners that still prefer to receive and send back hard copies, Strata Vote allows managers to enter in any voting papers they receive and they will also be able to print the hard copy notice from Strata Vote within the next few weeks.
The Strata Manager can then run their meeting with Strata Vote – recording who is present, and how they vote on each motion, as well as handling the election of Committee.
It also allows for amended motions, motions ruled out of order, notes to motions and amended votes. Strata Vote also handles electronic voting by supplying the returning officer with their own login and recording who has voted, and what votes have been received, without being able to identify who has voted which way.
Strata Vote is not designed as a discussion forum so does not allow owners to submit comments on the motions. The way that we see this working if owners wanted to have a discussion, would be to have the owners attend via skype, telephone etc and they be able to vote online during the meeting.
I am not an expert on software (as anyone who has struggled with the Flat Chat website will attest) but this looks like a good start, at the very least.
Anyone else using something different?