
    There are a number of issues with that, mostly outlined by Whale.  The other thing is if you offer a discount on levies to the EC members, then you will have to adjust your budget accordingly, i.e. raise the levies payable to take account of the discount, so that you are levying the amount in the budget.

    I spoke to our strata manager a while ago on a related matter, where a payment to an EC member was due (reimbursement) and he advised that they couldn’t do a book entry across to the levies owed by that person.  That may have been due to our accounting system.  However, I think it is cleaner to just give them the money, and then they can do what they like with it.

    One thing you need to consider – if EC members are being “paid”, that can raise liability issues, as there are different considerations for actions in a paid and unpaid capacity, so you need to check with your insurer.