
    sarahs said:

    Regarding smoke alarms and fire safety compliance (I read another post but cannot locate it now), we have been advised today that the OC is responsible for all internal smoke alarms in our complex of 26 townhouses.
    Of greater concern is that we have been told that annual inspections are mandatory, and one has been arranged by our Strata Manager for this week at a cost of $1200.
    I have been an owner here for 6 years, and have NEVER had an inspection. Our SM assures me that we have always had compliance certificates issued.
    Just me or does this seem a little suspect…?? Any thoughts as to our position as a member of the EC?

    Are you sure?  We have had this requirement (in Victoria) for years and the demarcation is clear – hard wired smoke detectors inside a lot are compulsory (for new buildings) but are the owners responsibility to maintain.  (And also in NSW that is the recommendation of the Land and Property Information). They usually are only hard wired for 240V power – they usually have no other connection to a Fire Panel.  The smoke detectors on common property are however an OC responsibility. 

    How has the OC arranged access to all the lots?  That in itself is nearly mission impossible for our OC!