
    I’m unaware of any mandated temperature for heated swimming pools, but as 27°-29° appears to be the optimum setting on the heater thermostats, I assume that’s the “ideal”.

    With regard to your Owners Corporation’s decision not to heat the pool, that amounts to a decision not to maintain an item of its Common Property, and whilst such a resolution is permissible (in NSW) it requires a Special Resolution, where ≥75% of those Owners present in person or by proxy at the AGM need to vote in favour, and where that percentage is calculated from the unit entitlement those Owners’ Lots / the aggregate unit entitlement for the Plan.

    So IF the resolution taken at your AGM was passed by a simple majority and with that level of support correctly calculated then it’s been properly taken, and obviously if the converse applies the resolution cannot be enforced and could be invalidated.