
    I am all for marching down Macquarie Street with placards, blocking traffic.  Haven't done that since the 80's.

    I have been a landlord in the past, and though I like the thought of buying an apartment for investment, I don't want any more strata worries.  What I have here is enough. And I really don't paint a great picture of strata living to anyone who asks (workmates and friends  regularly ask for updates on the stories of what people get up to in my complex).  When my mother needed to downsize, I wouldn't let her go into strata but rather found her a house. She couldn't cope with some of the behaviours that happen here (those that I don't write about in detail as they may identify the complex).

    How about a good old fashioned petition?  Don't they do petitions online these days?  Or perhaps we could print out a common form to sign and pass it on to our neighbours and other people we know who live/own in strata?  How many people are registered on the flat chat forum?  If everyone on this forum got 10 people to sign a petition that would have to be a good start.

    Though I still like the idea of marching down city streets.  Any good ideas for slogans to paint onto banners?