
    Mr Strata said:

    Just a suggestion, but maybe if some of the legislation was changed so that the process of enforcing the by-laws/act didn't cost the OC so much would be a good move? Maybe structuring it so that the OC were able to pocket a portion of any fines issued or get an order for costs??

    The people doing things right shouldn't be burdened with the costs of those that want to spoil it!

    Also, maybe, just maybe the OFT could provide information events for strata owners/purchaser's? a lot of the issues in strata is that owners don't understand what they have purchased/own

    A couple of excellent suggestions there – but how do you apportion costs to a body that's supposed to be (and I use that phrase advisedly) a low-cost option? 

    How about this – every strata owner gets a CTTT voucher which they can only use once in their ownership within a specific strata block.  Once you've taken the OC or another owner to the CTTT once, that's it.  If you want to run another case, you have to persuade another owner to let you use their “voucher” or face the prospect of paying both sides' costs if you lose. That way you could clear the tribunal of the persistent pests and hobby litigators while giving a people a chance to air genuine grievances.  Nuts?  Of course it is … but then this is strata.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.