
    I must bring to your attention some facts because of the sweeping generalisations in your article today.  I am a retiree living in a strata building in a densely populated area close to the CBD and it has been my experience that the “boring old farts” and proxy farmers are inevitably professional working men aged between 35 and 55 who don’t like anything done without their consultation and permission!

    Like many other retirees, I am content to sit back now and let others do the work, but I always attend EGMs and AGMs for my strata plan because I want to have a say in what is done to our building.  Younger people who are still working inevitably want to “add value to our property” by unnecessary painting, adding bits and pieces, having the “latest” lighting, etc. etc. so they can sell and move on, while the retirees are mostly staying put. 

    By the way, I’ve been told I am never boring because I’m just busy living my life and doing all the things I never had time to do when I was working!!