Lady Penelope

    Mr Wong – Your By-law is too wordy. All owners must comply with the SSMA 2015.

    You would not then need to list all of the separate items that Minor Renovations cover or the separate conditions as the conditions about damage etc are already contained within the Act.

    You may add additional conditions to a Minor Renovations By-law but these conditions must comply with the Act and they must be reasonable.

    As a suggestion some reasonable additional conditions could include that:

    (1) a licensed tradesperson be engaged, with appropriate insurance, and

    (2) an engineer’s certificate be obtained for structural work including reconfiguring of walls (all at the owner’s cost) and

    (3) the approval for installation of new or replacement timber or other hard floors such as tiles is  conditional upon compliance with the 3 Star AAAC Guideline for Apartment and Townhouse Acoustic Rating, and the owner warrants to remove the hard flooring and reinstall carpet if the hard floor is found to provide inadequate acoustic installation, and

    (4) hard floors will not be approved for bedroom areas due to noise transmission at night, and

    (5) the strata owner maintains any items installed in good repair, at the owner’s cost. 


    The following site may be useful: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=9fb2190c-9b84-42c3-9671-18e228f7539e

    As is: https://www.ocn.org.au/book/export/html/1409

    The owners corporation can delegate permission for minor renovations to the strata committee. It would need to pass a by-law to do so.