
    welcome to alarms going when when someone burns the toast,or steam from shower sets off alarm,oh and fire brigade will charge $100s of dollars to storm the building ,why are home units residents 2nd class citizens !!! if i want to have a traditinal ozzy BBQ,i will be charged for the fire alarm,yet if i live in a house,no worrys,turn the alarm off yourself.i,ve seen the fire brigade knock down every door,in a hallway of 6 ,to find a malfuncting ,rouge alarm going off.i lived in potts point were a few years ago after every building was told to install detectors ,fire trucks were going uo and down the road daily doing the same call outs over and over.why dont they go to the western suburbs of sydney were unit owners are unable to afford this ,and see the reaction,becouse the fire guys will be chassed out of the building,thats why